Thursday, June 30, 2011

WF: June 30, 2011

Wow the last day of June! Can you believe half the year is gone?  My, how the time flies!  Time for a vacation!  Now if only I can find a train.... hmm I see some tracks, but no train?  Guess I'll just wait and dance!  Where is our stranded tourist today?

Nice job yesterday on answering Dark Passage 2!  Yes, it's DP2... a lot of you guessed DP1, but that's actually the map that connects Collapsed Prison to Uruga.  DP2 connects Moonlight Tomb to Vine Tomb, and that's where yesterday's screenshot was taken.  So who were the winners?  Can leon increase his lead?  Can Lucky make a mad dash to 1st place on the last 3 days?  Let's see... Lukasz_Lucky (5pts), superman1779 (2pts), leonkennedyrulezz (1pt). 

Here are your updated standings:
1) leonkennedyrulezz - 24pts
2) Lukasz_Lucky - 17pts
3) superman1779 - 9pts
4) imlovinhit - 8pts
5) helen_keller - 5pts
6) caerokun, tazmer90, LadyZaydie, AngelBanegel, Avalyk - 2pts
11) chotbitsfan110, fullmetal101, tazmer90, Ian - 1pt

For the next two week cycle, I may re-think the way the end winner is chosen.  I'll keep you guys updated.  Thanks for playing!


  1. Well this is a really impossible one D:

    Imma guess...Burning Rock? x.x;

    ID - leonkennedyrulezz

  2. I have no clue where it is so I just guess :D
    ...... Burning rock I tried to ask murphy if he knew if it was there but he wouldnt tell >.>
    PS shouldnt I have 9 points? just asking

  3. Burning Rock?
    SparkID: imlovinhit

  4. Burning Rock?
    SparkID: helen_keller

  5. Burning Rock?


  6. It was behind the cave where the lave gargogles are in burning cave!

    Superman1779 xD
