Friday, July 15, 2011

WF: July 15, 2011

It's Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!  Geez what a week, glad it's over!  Anyway, here's today's screenshot for your examination... a dark foreboding sky, a dangerous woman with an axe.. and a backwards raccoon tail? What the heck?  (minipets aren't the most photogenic afterall, guess he was just being shy) So where might I be today?  Someone needs to cut these weeds!

For Thursday, it was really tricky.  All but one of you answered "Sea of Greed" (the other answered Mara KQ which was incorrect) which, by the Pirate Flag in the background made sense, but this was actually taken on Sand Beach, around that cove area where the pirates are.  Being that just about everyone answered SOG, I decided to go take a look, if I could closely replicate the screenshot, I'd award the points anyway.  After about 15 minutes of searching, and killing a Mara and King Boogy, I found a suitable location and took this screenie:

Sea of Greed replication - this is NOT today's contest.
That's a pretty close replication of the original, so yeah, I will accept Sea of Greed.  The sky is a little different, but I'm not going to wait around for that to change.  Usually, I'll try to have something in the screenshot that will give you a better idea of where it was taken if it happens to be a toss up.  So who were the winners?  Jayumainior (5pts), berrybomb (2pts), and Avalyk (1pt).  I had a correct entry from "Rex" but he didn't leave a SparkID unfortunately.. I looked up "Rex" as a SparkID, and it came back positive, but there are no characters associated with that ID.  Sorry Rex!

1. Jayumainior - 20pts
2. berrybomb - 18pts
3. Superman1779 - 8pts
4. Imlovinhit - 6pts
5. Avalyk - 5pts
6. leonkennedyrulezz, - 4pts
7. cerberus_oblivion - 2pts


  1. Yah I got confused for yesterday's too but I thougth that as sky changes in Eldy (doesn't it?) it would as weel in SoG.

    Well I know this is one of those maps I'm not able to enter/meet yet xD but I think it should be something like 90 abyss so I'll say Tear's Marsh!!!o.O??


  2. Oh shucks, I was going to say Sand Beach yesterday, but figured it was probably more likely to be Sea of Greed. I would have been the only one right. Darn. Lol!

    For today's, I'd say Vine Tomb.


  3. Tears marsh

  4. Jayumainior is in the lead! The place is at Tear's Marsh I believe. I guess I will be farming some Shining Dusts here. xD

    ID: berrybomb

  5. ooo i was supose to post spark id opps Q_Q tough one this time =X i'll have to say tear marsh i guess but could be 9x abyss coz same map -.- and spark id is panzehao XD sorry i couldn't/didn't have time to find the rules >.<

  6. Tear's Marsh?
    SparkID: imlovinhit

  7. forest of tides?


  8. Tear's Marsh

    ID - leonkennedyrulezz
